A downloadable game

Secrets Shall Hang - A diplomatic word game for 3+ players, designed to be played with phone notepads. Trade points for information and vice-versa in this backstabbing party game!

Goal of the Game: Last player standing wins!


• Each player chooses a word and writes it on the title line of their page: This cannot be changed after this point. each player says the length of their word for the others to write down.

• Underneath, write down the number of points you have (start with zero by default). This should be kept track of by the players themselves, so no cheating!

• Anything below this is free space for taking notes and may be edited as a player wishes.

Order of Play:

Every round, each player adds 1 point to their total. At any point players may take actions using points, talk or whisper to each other.

Actions you may take during the round include:

2pts - Scout - Secretly ask another player if a letter appears in their word. They must tell you any position(s) that it appears.

5pts - Guess - Guess the word of another player out loud. If you're right, they're out of the game.

You may also:

Xpts - Gift - Give any amount of your points to another player.

0pts - Pass - Vote to end the round. If there are no objections, start the next round.

Defeating A Player:

• Take a look at their notes. Add their points to your own, and take down any information you wish. 

• If you wish, you may also announce your word to the other players and switch it with one that rhymes with the defeated player's. You do not have to announce its length if you do. Once you're done, give the note back to the other player. They are now a Ghost.

Ghost Rules:

As a ghost, you still have a chance to improve your chances in the next life. When you are first defeated:

1. Change your note's title to the name of the player you think will win

2. Add a number of "Ghost Points" to your note equal to the number of players left in the game.

If you guessed correctly, start with these points next time you play. On the other hand, If they are defeated, you lose 2 ghost points and must pick someone else.

Finally, you may spend 1 ghost point to change your bet at any time, as long as a player isn't currently guessing.

Ending the game:

When there are 2 players left, it's a face-off! Each player takes turns asking letters or trying to guess the opponent's word. First to guess correctly wins!

(Logo helpfully provided by https://game-icons.net - An invaluable resource for any game developer who wants to check them out)


Secrets Shall Hang.txt 2.3 kB

Install instructions

A copy of these instructions can be found in this .txt file. You are encouraged to adjust the rules to your preference or come up with variants, I'd love to hear about your house rulings in the comments!

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